Where can I take my dog? Find out where you can take your dog in the Whangārei District, including on-leash dog walks, off-leash areas and beaches, and our dog agility park.
Responsible dog ownership Find out about being a responsible dog owner, cleaning up after your dog, behaviour around dogs and dogs around kiwi.
Caring for your cat In Whangārei, all cats must be desexed and microchipped by six months of age. This helps keep your furry friend safe.
Horses on beaches Information about taking horses on beaches and other public places, such as Council reserves.
Find a missing dog or pet Find out what to do if your dog or pet is lost. Also, find out what to do if your dog is taken to the dog shelter.
Report animal issues Report issues relating to dogs, stock and other animals, dispute an infringement or object to a dog classification.