Whangārei District Growth Strategy

The Whangārei Growth Strategy provides a vision for how our District will grow and develop over the next 30 years.

It sets out actions which will help ensure that our planning, infrastructure investments and decision making is coordinated and supports a vibrant, attractive and thriving District.

Whangārei District Growth Strategy(PDF, 28MB)

The 2021 Whangārei District Growth Strategy replaces the 2010 Whangārei District Growth Strategy- Sustainable Futures 30/50, reviewing it in full and ensures we meet our obligations of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020 (NPS-UD).

The Growth Strategy will be reviewed every three years, and the actions coming out of the Strategy will be reviewed annually.

Population and Dwellings Projection Dashboard 

The Whangarei District Growth Model sets out a forecast for population change over the next 30 years. It also forecasts the change in the number of dwellings and other demographic and household trends.

This model is used to inform key Council planning and strategic documents including the Long Term Plan, Asset Management Plans, and the Whangarei District Growth Strategy. The model is reviewed every 3 years.

Whangārei District Growth Model(PDF, 551KB)

Population and Dwellings Projection Dashboard sets out a forecast for population and dwelling changes over the next 30 years. The projections are based of the Whangarei District Growth Model.

Population and Dwellings Projection Dashboard (infometrics.co.nz)

Urban Structure Plans

The Growth Strategy divides Whangārei City environments into eleven distinct areas. These areas are known as Structure Plan Study Areas, with each having its own detailed study for planning purposes.

The structure plans are long term and implementation depends on their eventual incorporation into our statutory planning documents, such as the District Plan.

Urban Structure Plans