Shared Path temporary closure
Maintenance work is taking place on the Raumanga Shared Path and it will be closed most of the time until 13 March 2025. However it will be open before 8:30am each day, as well as all of Sunday 9 March, and for 15 minutes after the school closure on each school day.
Temporary Closure
Claphams Clocks temporary closure
Claphams Clocks National Clock Museum will be closed until Saturday 8 March 2025.
Temporary Closure
Water conservation
There are currently no water restrictions in place in Whangārei District.
Investigating options for rating system
We are currently reviewing how rates are calculated to ensure they are still set in the fairest and most equitable way. If changes are proposed, we will seek community input through public consultation early next year. These changes will not impact the total amount of rates we collect, instead they will affect how we work out everyone’s share.
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Receive your land rates, water rates and rating valuation notices by email.