
View reports about Council activities. 

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Our Dog Control Policy and Practice Annual Reports have information about dog control in the District and includes:

  • the number and type of complaints received
  • the number of infringements issued and prosecutions taken
  • the number of registered dogs and their classification status. 

Under the National Policy Statement on Urban Development, we are required to prepare a Housing and Business Development Capacity Assessment (HBA).  

Housing and Business Development Capacity Assessments help to determine if we have enough suitable land for new homes and business growth to meet our anticipated future growth needs.  

They inform our growth management planning and provide evidence for the Future Development Strategy, the Long Term Plan, the Infrastructure Strategy, and the Regional Land Transport Plan. 

Housing and Business Development Capacity Assessments must be reviewed every three years to ensure they continue to provide an up-to-date assessment of the District’s future growth needs and available supply of development capacity.  

The 2024 assessment shows that there is currently sufficient development capacity to meet anticipated growth needs over the coming 30 years and we are well placed to cater for that growth.

The National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD) Annual Monitoring Report provides information on property market and development trends, including: 

  • Trends and volume of new residential building consents. 
  • Distribution of new developments on brownfield versus greenfield land. 
  • Trends in average sale prices of homes. 
  • Trends in dwelling sales volume and housing market activity. 
  • Trends in average market rents. 
  • Trends in housing affordability. 
  • Trends in the value of building consents for non-residential developments. 

This monitoring supports urban planning and policy-making in accordance with the National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD). 

This Pre-election Report outlines our role in your District and informs you about the issues Council faces and the services we provide.

It is a legal requirement and is prepared by the Chief Executive of Whangarei District Council. Current elected Council members have not been involved in its drafting, although the Report discusses the plans of the current Council and previous Councils.

The Pre-election Report provides information about the past three years (from 2019-2020 through to 2021-2022), an overview of the 2022-2023 year which began on 1 July 2022, and Council’s planned performance during the term of the next Council (from October 2022).

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