The key elements of the structure plan are:
Port Marsden
- Sufficient land for port and port-related land is identified.
- With the move of the Whangārei City Port to Marsden Point, the area becomes a satellite of Whangārei .
Population projections
- Population projections have been made based on potential work opportunities that can be accommodated in the industrial area. It is estimated that up to 18,000 work opportunities can be created which could result in a population of 40,000 people.
- This growth is directly related to the uptake of the industrial land which will come in growth cycles resulting in staggered population growth. Triggers of population growth will trigger the release of land and provision of services.
Residential development
- Residential development is separated from industrial development and will occur in One Tree Point and Ruakākā.
- Areas of medium density and areas of higher density are identified to accommodate all the workers and to provide choice.
- The residential areas will include community facilities such as parks, schools, clinics etc.
Open space networks
- Creates the separation between industrial uses and residential areas.
- Provides for the low impact stormwater management system. Much of the stormwater attenuation has to occur within this system.
Retail centres
- One central primary town centre will accommodate retail, light industrial, warehousing, office space, high density residential and institutional development.
- Two local centres in One Tree Point (One Tree Point and Marsden Cove) and the Ruakākā Town Centre will service their respective local communities.
Social, community and civic services and facilities
- Most of the social and civic functions will be found in the primary and local centres.
- Education facilities should generally be located adjacent to the main open space and access networks within the residential areas.
- A public cemetery site has been identified but further investigations will be required.
- The unique location and function of the racecourse has been identified to become an Equestrian Centre and master planning will be undertaken.
Future urban
- Due to the function of State Highway 15A through the area from State Highway 1 to the Marsden Port, noise and vibration along the route can be expected as well as the exposure of companies along the route.
- Land uses will be determined with proposals to release the land.
Transportation and services
- The Structure Plan shows the proposed railway connection between Oakleigh and Marsden Port which will also dissect the primary centre.
- Roads are shown on the Structure Plan with a detailed traffic analysis as a separate report.
- The services reports will be undertaken as land is released for development.