Dog and other animal issues Report issues relating to dogs, stock and other animals, dispute an infringement or object to a dog classification.
Community issues Report issues including misuse of public spaces, homelessness, beam scooters, graffiti, noise, CCTV and damaged signage.
Facilities, Council-owned buildings and toilet issues Report issues for Council-owned buildings, cemeteries, public toilets, libraries and Botanica fernery and conservatory.
Food, alcohol and health issues Report issues about food, liquor and health like unsanitary businesses or properties (a dirty business that made you ill) or businesses operating illegally.
Parking and vehicle issues Report issues relating to parking, car parks, meters, freedom camping, tickets and infringements, cars on beaches and abandoned cars.
Parks, recreation and tree issues Report issues relating to trees, parks, reserves, playgrounds, skateparks, sportsgrounds, walking tracks and signage, coastal structures and seawalls.
Property-related issues Report issues relating to property including building, development, pool fencing, Resource Management Act and District Plan.
Roads and footpath issues Report road, shared path and footpath issues relating to surfacing, potholes, street lighting, road signs, markings, vegetation, bus shelters and obstructions.
Rubbish and recycling issues Report rubbish and recycling issues relating to dumped rubbish, public litter bins, household rubbish and recycling collections.