Log a formal complaint
You can make a formal complaint if you have concerns about:
- our action or lack of action
- a decision we've made.
Make a formal complaint
Please note that we may change logged complaints to an online customer request, if your complaint does not meet our formal complaints policy.
Formal complaints policy
If you need something fixed or investigated, please report an issue instead of logging a complaint.
Report an issue
What happens next?
We will acknowledge your complaint within two business days and aim to resolve complaints in 15 working days. We will contact you if we need more time or information to resolve the issue.
If we can't resolve the issue together
If we have completed a review and you are still unhappy with the result, you can contact the Office of the Ombudsman for an impartial review.
Office of the Ombudsman (ombudsman.parliament.nz)
For building related complaints, you may apply to the Ministry of Busness Innovation and Employment for a Determination. During this process the Ministry will consult with all parties and make a considered decision that must be followed.
Determinations (building.govt.nz)