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Whangarei District Council - Home - Logo
Health and safety
Trade waste
Apply for Work Access Permit
Safer buildings
Licences and permits
Food premises
Health licences
Permits for stalls and mobile businesses
Report food, alcohol and health issues
Opening a business or home-business
Building in Whangārei District
Building consents
Development contributions
Apply for a building consent
Resource consents
Property and building documents
Develop and invest
Central City Revitalisation
Inner City Living
Urban Structure Plan
Economic Development
Commercial or industrial development
Doing business in Whangārei
Working with Council
Standards, guidelines and rules
My area
Civil Defence and emergencies
Latest updates
Regional Recovery Plan
How to get ready
Stay informed
Power outages
State highway closures
Emergency mobile alerts
Climate change
Natural hazards
Advisory groups
Community facilities
Botanica Whangārei
Claphams National Clock Museum
Te Iwitahi
Town Basin
Community halls
Forum North Entertainment Centre
Whangārei Central Library
Kamo Library
Onerahi Library
Tikipunga Library
Parks and reserves
Public toilets
Camera Obscura, Timatatanga Hou
Whangārei Art Museum
Whangārei isite Visitor Centre
Rolling Ball Clock
Whangārei Dog Agility Park
Ruakākā Service Centre
Community development and services
Civic Honours
Apply for a buskers permit
Apply for a Street Appeal permit
Citizenship ceremonies
Disability services
Migrant support
Pensioner housing
Older adults
School holiday programmes and activities
Become a volunteer
Community funding
Community Association Grant
Puanga Matariki Events Fund
Waste Minimisation Fund
Whangārei Communities Fund
Papakāinga Fund
Community Loans
Creative Communities Scheme (CCS)
Event Development Fund
Youth Week Fund
Parks and recreation
Cycling and shared paths
Parks and reserves
Beaches and coastal facilities
Freedom camping
Sports parks
Is The Game On? – sports field closures
Can I swim here?
Report park, recreation and tree issues
Safer communities
Summer safe carparks
Community road safety
Health nuisances
Noise control
Report community issues
Welcoming Communities
Contact us
Report an issue
General enquiries online
Compliments, complaints and feedback
Make an Official Information Request
Change your postal address and / or contact details
Track your request
Council Controlled Organisations
Jobs at Council
Official documents
Fees and charges
Standards, guidelines and rules
Council meetings
Attending a meeting or hearing
Agendas and minutes
Council committees
Meeting videos
Council's role and purpose
Mayor and Councillors
Consultation with Māori
Strategic leadership team
Local Governance Statement
Local elections
Whangārei District Wards
Completed projects
Slow Street projects
Strategic Programmes
Climate resilience in Whangārei District
Central City Revitalisation
Transport Choices programme
Placemaking Programme – He Whakakaupapa Whaitua
Corporate Planning
Urban Design
Future Growth
Better Off Funding
Sign up to our newsletters
Working with Council
About the website
Listen to our site
Disclaimer and copyright
Building consents
Apply for a change of use
Buildings and natural disasters
Building forms and applications
My property and rates
Apply for a property search
Apply for a LIM
Locate your water, sewer and stormwater pipes
Pool fencing and barriers
Natural hazards
Rubbish collection and disposal
Conservation covenants
Fences and driveways
Property maps
Property and building documents
Apply for a PIM
Advice before you start
Planning approvals
District Plan
Natural hazards
Urban Design
Development contributions
Notified resource consent applications
Resource consent enforcement
Cemeteries in Whangārei
Cemetery search
Map of cemeteries
Burials, ash plots and scattering
Memorial options
Report cemetery issues
Dogs and animals
Dog registration
Where can I take my dog?
Responsible dog ownership
Caring for your cat
Keeping animals
Horses on beaches
Find a missing dog or pet
Adopt a dog
Report animal issues
Make a payment
Ways of paying a council bill
Payment requests and enquiries
Paying your land rates
Paying your water rates
Pay a vehicle infringement
Pay an application fee or invoice
Pay a dog infringement
Pay for dog registration or other dog fees
Pay debtor
Pay a litter infringement
Pay a noise or environmental infringement notice
Fees and charges
Online maps
Roads and transportation
Cycling and shared paths
Community road safety
Vehicle infringements
Appeal a parking ticket
Permits and approval
Northland Regional Transportation Activity Management Plan 2024-2054
Rubbish and recycling
A to Z recycling and disposal guide
Rubbish and recycling stations
Rubbish and recycling collection
How to cut your waste
Report rubbish and recycling issues
Water services
Local Water Done Well
Water supply
Water testing laboratory
Locate your water, sewer and stormwater pipes
Report water issues
What's On
Hot Grill Summer
Christmas Festival
Endless Summer Festival
Puanga Matariki Festival
Silver Festival Whangārei
Event planning and support
Budget and funding
Health and safety, and risk management
Recycling at events
Council event regulations
Event management resources
Events or markets on Council-owned land
Book the Town Basin, a District park or a carpark
Book a sports park or Barge Showgrounds
Book a playground, public garden, beach, park or reserve
Book a community hall
Apply for a street appeal permit
Apply for a buskers permit
Apply to operate a mobile shop, hawk or food stall
Alcohol at events
Apply to hold an adventure activity on Council land
Apply for an amusement device permit
Forum North
What's on at Forum North
Attending an event at Forum North
Book Forum North
Forum North virtual tour
Forum North Capitaine Bougainville Theatre
Forum North Cafler Suite
Forum North Te Kotahitanga Exhibition Hall
Forum North Bounty Room
Semenoff Stadium
What's new
Have your say
Current consultations and engagement
Closed consultations and engagement
Engaging with your Council
Mayor's corner
News and notices
Jobs at Council
Resource consent applications
Whangārei Matters podcast
You Are Here :
About the website
Health and safety
Trade waste
Apply for Work Access Permit
Safer buildings
Licences and permits
Alcohol licensing
Apply for a new alcohol licence
Apply to renew an alcohol licence
Alcohol licence public notices
Apply for Manager's Certificate
Do you need a special licence?
Apply for a special alcohol licence
Alcohol licence applications and hearings
Alcohol licensing forms
Food premises
Health licences
Permits for stalls and mobile businesses
Report food, alcohol and health issues
Opening a business or home-business
Building in Whangārei District
Building consents
Development contributions
Apply for a building consent
Resource consents
Property and building documents
Develop and invest
Central City Revitalisation
Inner City Living
Urban Structure Plan
Economic Development
Commercial or industrial development
Doing business in Whangārei
Working with Council
Standards, guidelines and rules
My area
Civil Defence and emergencies
Latest updates
Regional Recovery Plan
How to get ready
Stay informed
Power outages
State highway closures
Emergency mobile alerts
Climate change
Natural hazards
Advisory groups
Community facilities
Botanica Whangārei
Claphams National Clock Museum
Te Iwitahi
Town Basin
Town Basin gallery
Community halls
Forum North Entertainment Centre
Whangārei Central Library
Kamo Library
Onerahi Library
Tikipunga Library
Parks and reserves
Public toilets
Camera Obscura, Timatatanga Hou
Whangārei Art Museum
Whangārei isite Visitor Centre
Rolling Ball Clock
Whangārei Dog Agility Park
Ruakākā Service Centre
Community development and services
Civic Honours
Apply for a buskers permit
Apply for a Street Appeal permit
Citizenship ceremonies
Disability services
Migrant support
Pensioner housing
Older adults
School holiday programmes and activities
Become a volunteer
Community funding
Community Association Grant
Puanga Matariki Events Fund
Waste Minimisation Fund
Whangārei Communities Fund
Papakāinga Fund
Community Loans
Creative Communities Scheme (CCS)
Event Development Fund
Youth Week Fund
Parks and recreation
Cycling and shared paths
Parks and reserves
Abbey Caves Reserve
A H Reed Memorial Park
Bream Head Scenic Reserve
Waipū activity zone, Waihoihoi River Park
Cafler Park
Coronation Scenic Reserve (Western Hills)
Hātea River walkway
Huitau Pā, Taiharuru
Kensington Park
Laurie Hall Park
Mair Park
Manganese Point walkway
Matakohe-Limestone Island
Matapōuri / Whale Bay
Mount Aubrey
Mount Manaia
Otuihau Whangārei Falls
Parihaka Scenic Reserve
Pūtahi Park
Reotahi walkway
Street Art Trail
Tamaterau coastal walkway
Town Basin heritage and sculpture trail
Tūtūkākā walks
Waimahanga walkway
Waipū Coastal Walkway
Whananaki Coastal walkway
Whangārei Quarry Gardens
William Fraser Memorial Park on Pohe Island
The Pocket Park
Raumanga Scenic Reserve
Beaches and coastal facilities
Freedom camping
Responsible Freedom Camping Ambassador Programme
Sports parks
Is The Game On? – sports field closures
Can I swim here?
Report park, recreation and tree issues
Safer communities
Summer safe carparks
Community road safety
Health nuisances
Noise control
Report community issues
Welcoming Communities
Contact us
Report an issue
Dog and other animal issues
Community issues
Facilities, Council-owned buildings and toilet issues
Food, alcohol and health issues
Parking and vehicle issues
Parks, recreation and tree issues
Property-related issues
Roads and footpath issues
Rubbish and recycling issues
Drains and flood control issues
Sewage and wastewater issues
Water issues
General enquiries online
Compliments, complaints and feedback
Make an Official Information Request
Change your postal address and / or contact details
Track your request
Council Controlled Organisations
Jobs at Council
Official documents
Camping in Public Places Bylaw
Public Places Bylaw
Fees and charges
Animals fees and charges
Building control fees and charges
Bylaw enforcement fees and charges
Cameron Street Mall permits fees and charges
Cemetery fees and charges
Council professional fees and charges
District Plan fees and charges
Drainage fees and charges
Food Premises fees and charges
Forum North venue hire fees and charges
Gambling Act and Racing Act application fees and charges
Health Act registered premises fees and charges
Laboratory testing fees and charges
Land Information Memorandum (LIM) fees and charges
Library fees and charges
Monitoring and land use consent conditions – RMA fees and charges
Official information fees and charges
Parks and reserves fees and charges
Pensioner housing fees and charges
Photocopying and file handling fees and charges
Public Places bylaws fees and charges
Resource management administrative fees and charges
Rubbish disposal fees and charges
Sale and supply of alcohol licences and certificates fees and charges
Searches fees and charges
Swimming pool and spa pool barrier inspections fees and charges
Transport fees and charges
Water fees and charges
Airport Noise Management Plan
City Core Precinct Plan
District Plan (Operative)
Hīhīaua Precinct Plan
Hikurangi Flood Management Scheme Plan
Long Term Plans (LTP)
Reserve Management Plans
Whangārei Waste Management and Minimisation Plan
Whangārei City Centre Plan
Marsden Point and Ruakākā Structure Plan
Urban Structure Plans
Coastal Structure Plans
Annual Plans
Whangārei Complete Streets Masterplan and Streetscape Design Manual
Regional Recovery Plan for Northland - Cyclone Gabrielle 2023
Emissions Reduction Plan
Tikipunga Placemaking Plan - Te Mahere Mahi Wāhi mō Tikipunga
Hikurangi Placemaking Plan - Te Mahere Mahi Wāhi mō Hikurangi
Waipū Placemaking Plan - Te Whakakaupapa Whaitua mō Waipū
Parua Bay Placemaking Plan - Te Whakakaupapa Whaitua mō Parua
Privacy statement
Genetic Engineering Review
Whangārei District Growth Strategy
Standards, guidelines and rules
Council meetings
Attending a meeting or hearing
Agendas and minutes
Council committees
Meeting videos
Council's role and purpose
Mayor and Councillors
Consultation with Māori
Strategic leadership team
Simon Weston
Alan Adcock
Victoria Harwood
Jim Sephton
Jenny Antunovich
Dominic Kula
Andrew Carvell
Aaron Taikato
Local Governance Statement
Local elections
Electoral system
Whangārei District Wards
Enrol to vote
Stand for Council
Māori Ward Poll
Past elections
Whangārei District Wards
Māori Ward
General Wards
Completed projects
Slow Street projects
Strategic Programmes
Climate resilience in Whangārei District
Draft Climate Action Plan
Northland-wide Climate Adaptation Strategy
Climate resilience projects
Reducing emissions
Check my property hazards
Climate adaptation resources and links
Central City Revitalisation
Transport Choices programme
Placemaking Programme – He Whakakaupapa Whaitua
Corporate Planning
Urban Design
Future Growth
Draft Future Development Strategy
Better Off Funding
Sign up to our newsletters
Working with Council
About the website
Listen to our site
Disclaimer and copyright
Building consents
Building consents overview
Building consent calculator
Building consents online
Apply for a building consent
Processing a building consent
Building inspection requirements
Apply for an amendment to an issued building consent
Apply for a Code Compliance Certificate
Apply for a Certificate of Acceptance
Apply for a building consent exemption
Apply for a PIM
Detailed building guidance notes
Apply for a certificate of public use
Apply for a change of use
Buildings and natural disasters
Buildings and emergencies
Earthquake-prone buildings
Building forms and applications
My property and rates
Rates database
Property valuations
How rates are calculated
Land rates
Due dates for land rates
Water rates
Rating of Whenua Māori
Receive your rates notice by email
Change your postal address or details
Rates rebate and relief
Water rates calculator
Apply for a property search
Apply for a LIM
Locate your water, sewer and stormwater pipes
Pool fencing and barriers
Natural hazards
Rubbish collection and disposal
Conservation covenants
Fences and driveways
Property maps
Property and building documents
Apply for a PIM
Advice before you start
What is my zone and what rules apply to my property?
Can my property be subdivided?
How close can I build to my boundary?
Can I put another house on my property?
Do I need to provide car parking?
Does a retaining wall need a resource consent?
Can I remove or trim my trees?
Do I need to consult my neighbour?
Connect to council infrastructure
How we can help
Planning approvals
Resource consents and other approvals overview
Apply for a subdivision consent
Apply for a land use consent
Apply for a deemed permitted boundary activity
Apply for a liquor planning certificate
Apply for other planning approvals
Progressing an approved subdivision
Designations for public works
Monitoring conditions of your resource consent (post approval)
Notification, submissions and hearings
Resource consent forms and documents
Search resource consents
Guide to completing planning application forms
District Plan
ePlan - our District Plan
District Plan changes
District Plan Monitoring
Natural hazards
Urban Design
Development contributions
Notified resource consent applications
Resource consent enforcement
Cemeteries in Whangārei
Maunu Cemetery
Kamo Cemetery
Onerahi Cemetery
Trust operated cemeteries
Historical cemeteries
Cemetery search
Map of cemeteries
Burials, ash plots and scattering
Memorial options
Report cemetery issues
Dogs and animals
Dog registration
Renew your dog registration
Register your dog for the first time
Update your dog's details
Change of dog ownership
Request a replacement dog tag
Disability assist dog status declaration
Working dog status declaration
Dog classifications
Where can I take my dog?
Exercising your dog
Dogs on beaches
Dog access rules map
Whangārei Dog Agility Park
Responsible dog ownership
Caring for your cat
Keeping animals
Horses on beaches
Find a missing dog or pet
Adopt a dog
Report animal issues
Make a payment
Ways of paying a council bill
Payment requests and enquiries
Paying your land rates
Paying your water rates
Pay a vehicle infringement
Pay an application fee or invoice
Pay a dog infringement
Pay for dog registration or other dog fees
Pay debtor
Pay a litter infringement
Pay a noise or environmental infringement notice
Fees and charges
Online maps
Roads and transportation
Cycling and shared paths
Cycling and shared paths network
Kamo Shared Path
Raumanga Shared Path
Onerahi Shared Path
Hātea Loop Shared Path – Huarahi o te Whai
Waipū Walk and Cycleway
Bike parking and charging
Community road safety
Vehicle infringements
Appeal a parking ticket
Permits and approval
Vehicle Crossing permits and approvals
Apply for a temporary road closure
Apply for Work Access Permit
Apply for temporary signs
Roadworks and closures
Severe weather road repairs
State Highway improvements
Roads and footpaths
Roadside maintenance
Road names and paper roads
Street numbering
Slow streets
Setting speed limits
Traffic management
Notification of weight and / or speed limits on bridges
Reports roads and footpath issues
Te Matau a Pohe bridge
Kotuitui Whitinga bridge
Bus services
Whangārei Airport
Northland Regional Transportation Activity Management Plan 2024-2054
Rubbish and recycling
A to Z recycling and disposal guide
Agricultural plastics
Rubbish and recycling stations
Rubbish and recycling collection
How to cut your waste
Report rubbish and recycling issues
Water services
Local Water Done Well
Water supply
Fluoridation of water supply
Apply for a water connection, meter or backflow preventer
Dam levels and water supply
Safe drinking water tips for people on private systems
Water quality
Saving water
Water leaks
Water rates
Report water issues
Sewage spills
Connect to the Council sewer network
Wastewater Treatment Plant
Pressure sewer systems
Trade waste
Report sewage and wastewater issues
Smoke testing in our wastewater network
Stormwater network
Stormwater flood management
Report stormwater issues
Water testing laboratory
Locate your water, sewer and stormwater pipes
Report water issues
What's On
Hot Grill Summer
Christmas Festival
Endless Summer Festival
Puanga Matariki Festival
Silver Festival Whangārei
Event planning and support
Budget and funding
Health and safety, and risk management
Recycling at events
Council event regulations
Event management resources
Events or markets on Council-owned land
Book the Town Basin, a District park or a carpark
Book a sports park or Barge Showgrounds
Book a playground, public garden, beach, park or reserve
Book a community hall
Apply for a street appeal permit
Apply for a buskers permit
Apply to operate a mobile shop, hawk or food stall
Alcohol at events
Apply to hold an adventure activity on Council land
Apply for an amusement device permit
Forum North
What's on at Forum North
Attending an event at Forum North
Book Forum North
Forum North virtual tour
Forum North Capitaine Bougainville Theatre
Forum North Cafler Suite
Forum North Te Kotahitanga Exhibition Hall
Forum North Bounty Room
Semenoff Stadium
What's new
Have your say
Current consultations and engagement
Closed consultations and engagement
Hazards and Esplanade Plan Change Package feedback
Airport location study consultation
Northport Ltd - Resource Consent application
Plan Change 91: Hazardous Substances
Onoke Heights Limited - Resource Consent application
General Amendments Plan Change feedback
Easter Sunday Shop Trading Policy
Psychoactive Substances Policy
Ministry of Education Notice of Requirement application
Planning for a better tomorrow through the Future Development Strategy
Speed Management Plan for the Tūtūkākā Coast, Hikurangi and Ōakura
Alcohol Control Bylaw
Plan Change 2: General Amendments
Youth Survey
District Plan review topics pre-notification consultation
Engaging with your Council
Mayor's corner
News and notices
Jobs at Council
Resource consent applications
Whangārei Matters podcast
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isite temporary closure
The Whangārei isite Visitor Centre will be temporarily closed on Monday 24 March 2025. For Intercity enquiries call 0800 222 146. Public showers are available at the Whangārei Aquatic Centre 09 430 4072.
Temporary Closure
Water conservation
There are currently no water restrictions in place in Whangārei District.
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