Cycling and shared paths Find out about cycling in Whangārei and our expanding network of shared paths, including maps, bike parks, and bike-parking and charging locations.
Walks Find walks and trails in our District, along with time, distance and grade for different tracks on these walks.
Beaches and coastal facilities GIS map and information about beaches, swimming water quality and coastal facilities in our District.
Freedom camping There are rules for different types of camping in the Whangārei District. Find out where you can camp.
Sports parks Find sports parks in our District and how to book a sports park for special events, tournaments, games or casual use.
Is The Game On? – sports field closures Check sports field closures for the Whangārei District using our online map.
Can I swim here? Northland Regional Council provides live information on the conditions at many of the popular swimming sites around Northland. Check out the information on their website.
Report park, recreation and tree issues Report issues relating to trees, parks, reserves, playgrounds, skateparks, sportsgrounds, walking tracks and signage, coastal structures and seawalls.