The Waste Minimisation Fund supports innovative solutions that reduce waste and enhance waste minimisation efforts across the Whangārei District.
Our goal is to encourage community participation, education and long-term behaviour change that benefits the District and contributes to sustainable waste minimisation and management.
We aim to target priority waste streams and improve resource efficiency, ideally by funding new initiatives that:
- complement and enhance existing waste minimisation programmes
- address gaps in Council’s waste services
- create new opportunities for reducing waste.
Successful projects will deliver measurable reductions in landfill waste or other waste minimisation improvements while helping achieve the objectives of Council’s Waste Management and Minimisation Plan.
Waste Management and Minimisation Plan
Projects will be assessed based on their strategic value in promoting ongoing waste minimisation.
Who can apply?
The fund is open to:
- community groups
- businesses
- iwi / Māori organisations
- educational institutions
- other community-based organisations operating in or benefiting Whangārei.
Funding rounds and grant options
There are two funding rounds per year, with the following options:
- standard funding: $1,000 to $5,000
- special projects: $5,000 to $30,000.
Refer to the eligibility and assessment criteria below to prepare your application.
Waste Minimisation Fund application guidelines(PDF, 315KB)
Application period: 3 March to 18 April 2025.
Round two: TBC September 2025.
Eligibility criteria
The fund focuses on seeding new initiatives that support waste minimisation, including:
- enhancing and complementing existing waste minimisation efforts
- addressing gaps in waste services or creating new waste reduction opportunities.
To be eligible, your project must:
- reduce waste to landfill and / or target priority waste streams, including:
- organic waste
- construction and demolition waste
- community action and behaviour change
- achieve measurable waste minimisation outcomes, such as waste reduction, reuse, recycling, or material recovery for further use or processing
- align with the Council’s Waste Management and Minimisation Plan
- take place within Whangārei or directly benefit the Whangārei District community
- be led by a legal entity (e.g. a community group) or operate under an umbrella legal entity
- provide evidence of costs, including:
- written quotes
- product advertisements
- reports and budgets (verbal quotes will not be accepted)
- start within three months of funding approval and be completed within 12 months of receiving funds
- acknowledge Council support by using the Council logo in promotional materials.
Reporting requirements
- All recipients must report back to the Council.
- Projects receiving over $5,000 must submit progress reports on key milestones and a final outcomes report.
Required documents
To ensure a smooth application process, please provide the following:
- Completed application form: Answer all questions thoroughly. Incomplete applications may result in delays.
- Required attachments: Include all requested documents and clearly label any additional materials.
- Financial information: Provide a bank account in the organisation’s name and proof of financial stability (e.g. annual or audited accounts).
Cost evidence requirements
Provide clear evidence of all costs related to your application, such as:
- quotes
- product advertisements
- reports
- budgets.
Verbal quotes will not be accepted.
GST considerations:
- If you are GST-registered, do not include GST in your project cost breakdown.
- If you are not GST-registered, the Council will adjust the funding application accordingly.
Additional considerations
To receive funding, applicants must be actively involved in the project and contribute resources. This may include:
- supplying materials
- providing in-kind labour
- making a financial contribution.
Ensure you detail your contribution in the application form.
What this fund cannot be used for
Funding will not be provided for:
- waste disposal or treatment for disposal / clean-ups
- projects that do not align with the Council’s Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2023 and funding priorities
- general environmental education programmes (only educational projects that specifically promote waste minimisation are eligible)
- projects outside the Whangārei District
- retrospective projects, including funding for work already completed or debt repayment
- activities that duplicate existing demonstration projects or pilot studies
- rental leases
- funding deposited into personal bank accounts (only organisational accounts are accepted)
- waste minimisation projects already receiving Ministry for the Environment funding or Council funding
- specialist or private recycling programmes, such as:
- soft plastics recycling
- bottle cap collections
- liquid paperboard (e.g. Tetra Pak) recycling.
Assessment criteria
Applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria. Ensure your proposal reflects these key areas:
1. Strategic alignment
Projects must align with the strategic waste minimisation objectives and guiding principles of the Whangārei District Council’s Waste Management and Minimisation Plan.
2. Waste minimisation
Proposals must contribute to reducing landfill waste and / or target priority waste streams, achieving measurable waste minimisation outcomes.
- Target priority waste streams
Note: Educational projects must specifically promote waste minimisation and not general environmental education.
3. Community participation and benefit
- Projects should actively engage the local community within the Whangārei District, encouraging waste reduction.
- Proposals should create tangible community benefits, though private sector benefits may also be considered.
4. Value for investment
- Proposals building on existing initiatives should add value and bring a fresh approach.
- Where possible, proposals should address gaps in Council waste services and create new waste reduction opportunities.
- Collaboration with other waste-related initiatives is encouraged.
- Projects must provide a good return on investment, considering both risk and benefit.
- The proposal should not duplicate or undermine existing initiatives.
- Funds must be used within 12 months, with projects commencing within three months of funding approval.
- Funding can cover operational or capital expenditure related to waste minimisation.
- Applicants must be a legally recognised entity (or a community group operating under an umbrella organisation).
5. Quality of proposal
- Clear objectives must be stated, including which waste streams are being addressed and how.
- The applicant must demonstrate capacity to deliver the project, ideally with experience in similar initiatives.
- Objectives must be measurable, with quantifiable waste diversion outcomes.
- Projects with proven landfill waste diversion must include data on the amount of each waste stream diverted.
- Proposals must be technically and financially feasible and not pose an unacceptable level of risk to the Council.
By addressing these criteria in your proposal, you improve your chances of securing funding for your waste minimisation project.
All funding decisions made by Whangarei District Council are final.
Recipients may apply for future funding rounds only if they have submitted a completed accountability report for any previous waste minimisation funding received from the Council.
Apply for Waste Minimisation Fund