Apply for Work Access Permit

Anyone or any business planning to carry out any work or undertake an activity that affects the normal flow or operation of the road, footpath or berm within the road corridor must obtain a Work Access Permit by submitting a request known as a Corridor Access Request.


Step 1.If you need to close the road

If you need to to close the road, you also need to apply for a road closure. 

Apply for a road closure

Step 2.Make a traffic management plan

Depending on the impact of your work on public access you may need a Temporary Traffic Management Plan.

The NZTA website has guidance and two different forms depending on the amount of disruption to public access.

Traffic management information (

Step 3.Comply with the standards

All work in the Corridor Access Request must comply with the National Code of Practice for Utility Operators Access to Transport Corridors in accordance with the Utilities Act 2010.

The links below provide more information.

National Code of Practice - NZ Utilities Advisory Group (

Utilities Act 2010 (

Step 4.Apply for permission

There are two free-of-charge, online systems you can use to submit a Corridor Access Request.  

If you need to dig, you can apply online at beforeUdig or at Submitica.

beforeUdig (

Submitica (

Note: To use Submitica you will need to become a registered user.

Step 5.Process the request

Applications need to be made at least 15 working days before work is intended to start.

Step 6.Receive your permit

Before you start work you must have received your approved Work Access Permit.  The only exception is in an emergency as defined in the National Code of Practice.

What is a road corridor?

A road corridor is defined as the area of land between legal boundaries, usually a fence-line to fence-line and includes any safety run-off areas, which is dedicated to allow the passage of road users. 

The road corridor also includes air space of 6 metres directly above the road surface.


When would I need permission?

A Corridor Access Request is required for, but not limited to, the following activities:

  • Trenching works.
  • Construction of new vehicle crossings, and repairs to existing.
  • Work within the berm or shoulder of the road.
  • Tree work, scaffolding, crane work, shop front graphic’s, awning or veranda repairs, plumbing or drain laying.
  • Any activity that will alter or cause to be altered the surface of any part of the road reserve, including but not limited to excavating, drilling, resurfacing.
  • The placement of any pipe, duct, pole, cabinet or other structure below, on or above the road reserve.

Applying for a Corridor Access Request is not an authority to start work, unless it is an emergency as defined in the National code of practice below, you must wait until you receive your approved Work Access Permit by email.

National Code of Practice - NZ Utilities Advisory Group (

State Highway closure requests

The New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) manages the temporary closure of any State Highway.

Regulations specify a 42 day public notice period, so applicants are advised to contact the NZTA as early as possible to avoid disappointment. 

New Zealand Transport Agency (

Corridor Access Requests or TMP approvals for work or activities on State Highway roads requires applications to be emailed to NZTA.


Note: In some cases, joint approval will be required where the activity will affect both Road Controlling Authorities network.

Tenders for roadworks

Tenders for our roadwork contracts are advertised on our portal of the New Zealand Local Government tendering website, TenderLink.  

Whangarei District Council Tenderlink portal

Locating underground pipes

You can obtain information on the location of cables, pipes and other utility assets in and around any proposed dig site from beforeUdig, which is a free online service.

beforeUdig (

Alternatively, you can use our GIS map to find water, sewer (wastewater), and stormwater pipes.

Locate your water, sewer and stormwater pipes