Building consents overview Find out about building consents and how they ensure that any building work is safe and durable.
Building consent calculator How to get an estimate of the fees and charges associated with your building project.
Building consents online Find out how to register and use the Objective Build building consents online portal.
Processing a building consent Find out the five stages involved in receiving and processing applications for building consents.
Building inspection requirements Find out how to book a building inspection and what you need for it.
Apply for an amendment to an issued building consent Find out about making any minor variation or major amendment to your building consent and how to apply.
Apply for a Code Compliance Certificate A Code Compliance Certificate is provided when Council is satisfied that building work complies with the building consent.
Apply for a Certificate of Acceptance Apply for a Certificate of Acceptance, which provides a limited assurance for a building owner, that building work complies with the building code.
Apply for a PIM Apply for a Project Information Memorandum (PIM) which provides key information when applying for a building consent.
Detailed building guidance notes These guidance notes are designed to give you more information and insight on the stated topic.
Apply for a certificate of public use Guidance on buildings that are open to the public either free of charge or requiring an entrance fee or similar.