Heritage Talk - History of Hikurangi

Picture of King Street, Hikurangi in 1920.

Talk date: 28 September 2022.

Based on the book, ‘True Tales of Hikurangi-Hukerenui’, Don Goodall presented some fascinating and humorous stories of Hikurangi's social history.

Picture shows King Street, Hikurangi in 1920.

Picture of Don Goodall.

About Don Goodall

In his working life Don was a teacher, city planner, researcher and scientist. He has lived and worked in Turkey, Greece, Brazil, Argentina and the United Kingdom. He briefly worked in a nuclear power station in England.

Don has been associated with several of the books in the True Tales Series: Hikurangi-Hukerenui, Mountains and Memories, based around Maungatapere-Maunu and most recently True Tales of the Tutukaka Coast and Northern Coromandel. These are social histories and which have provided new information about these small country districts.