Heritage Talk - History of Hikurangi
Talk date: 28 September 2022.
Based on the book, ‘True Tales of Hikurangi-Hukerenui’, Don Goodall presented some fascinating and humorous stories of Hikurangi's social history.
Picture shows King Street, Hikurangi in 1920.
About Don Goodall
In his working life Don was a teacher, city planner, researcher and scientist. He has lived and worked in Turkey, Greece, Brazil, Argentina and the United Kingdom. He briefly worked in a nuclear power station in England.
Don has been associated with several of the books in the True Tales Series: Hikurangi-Hukerenui, Mountains and Memories, based around Maungatapere-Maunu and most recently True Tales of the Tutukaka Coast and Northern Coromandel. These are social histories and which have provided new information about these small country districts.