Preschool Funtimes


Funtime sessions for preschoolers and home-schooled children include stories, rhymes, music and movement.

The sessions are held weekly during each school term.

All children attending these sessions must be accompanied by an adult. 

Preschool Funtimes dates and times

Watch our Preschool Funtimes online recordings below. 

Preschool Funtimes online 

These Funtimes sessions were recorded during COVID-19 lockdowns and include stories, music, rhymes and lots of fun.

Funtimes with Glenn & Isabella

Funtimes The Pukeko Stomp

Funtimes with the Team


Special Funtimes Sessions

Bring Funtimes to your preschool

Funtime sessions are also available at other times to groups such as Kohanga Reo, Kindergartens, Playcentres, etc.

To find out more contact the Children's Services Librarian:


The Funtimes Song

It's Time for Funtime by The Funtimes

It's Time for Funtime song by The Funtimes, was written and recorded especially for preschool sessions.

Get a copy of the song

Buy the CD for $5.00 each or get a free copy of the MP3 file.

Contact us by:

Song credits

The Funtimes:
Glenn Davidson and Tanya Maich (vocals), Matt Watson (keyboards), Matt Hennessy (drums), Brendon White (bass) . . .

and The Whangārei Primary School Choir:
Charles Peita, Ethan Blagrove, Nicolas Bernecker, Shine Manukau, Tane Marsters, William Anderson, Emily Banks, Grace Hilton-Jones, Jamiee Neha, Juliet Heaton, Sophie Johnston, Steena Ieremia and George Karklins (teacher)

Recorded at Big Door Recording Studio, 2015.