My Account status

Image of my account section showing the current status of a library card account.

When you have successfully logged in, click My Account link (1) to see your library card account details.

Your status

This section on the right gives you a quick overview of:

  • the number of items you have currently checked out
  • the number of items you have placed holds on
  • the amount of fines you owe.

Digital Checkouts and Holds are eBooks and eAudiobooks.

Library Checkouts and Holds are physical books, magazines, talking books, DVDs, puzzles, etc.

Some statuses prevent you from renewing, placing holds or borrowing more items.
E.g: if you have unpaid charges, you may be unable to renew items you have checked out.

If you have questions about your library card account, please contact us.

Alert icons

Alert icons appear in Your status to indicate:

Image of green alert icon used on my account. A green alert icon when you have holds that are ready for you to pick up.

Image of red alert icon used in my account.  A red alert icon when:

  • You have overdue checkouts.
  • You have any new or unpaid charges.

My Account tabs

There are five My Account tabs: Personal Information, Checkouts, Holds, Fines & Fees and Requests.

Image of green alert icon used on my account. Green alert icons appear on the holds tab when a hold is ready for pickup.

Image of red alert icon used in my account. Red alert icons appear on the Checkouts tab if there are overdue items and on the Fines and Fees tab if there are new or unpaid charges.

The Requests tab is currently not active.

Click on a tab to open it up to see more details.

Privileges Expired

Library membership expires every 2 years when you will need to contact us to update your membership details and reactivate your library card.

A 'privileges expired 'notice will display on your account when your library card needs to be renewed. 

You will not be able to borrow or renew any items until your library card is renewed.