My Account checkouts tab

All the items you have borrowed from the library are listed here.

Digital checkouts

Lists eBooks, eAudiobooks and eVideos currently borrowed from BorrowBox, OverDrive/Libby and ePlatform.

You can download these items to your computer to transfer to an eReader or MP3 player, or to watch an eVideo when not connected to the internet.

You can return some items from this screen.

Some items can only be returned early from within the app from which they were downloaded.
Other items cannot be returned early and will expire at the end of their checkout period

Image showing digital or eLibrary loans in my account checkout tab.

Library checkouts

Lists the physical items (books, magazines, talking books, etc.) currently borrowed from the library.

A red alert symbol will appear on the tab and next to items that are overdue. 

You can renew items up to 2 times unless there is a hold placed on it.

Renew by ticking the box next to the item, then click the Renew button.

How to renew items

Image showing library loans in my account checkouts tab.

Checkout history

Lists all the items you have borrowed from the library.

It includes the item's title, author, checkout date and returned date, with a link to each item's full details.

Records go back to 2015.

Image showing checkout history in my account checkout tab.