TumbleBook Library

TumbleBook Library logo.

eLibrary for kids

TumbleBooks digital media are easy to use and feature unlimited access from home!

A digital library of eBooks, animated talking picture books, read-along chapter books, National Geographic videos, non-fiction books, playlists and graphic novels for children.

You can read as many books as you want, when you want, on any device using your favourite browser or the TumbleBooks app.

There are no check-outs, holds, or bulky downloads. Books are available instantly.

TumbleBook Library for Kids

TumbleBooks app

Get the TumbleBooks app for Apple iOS and Andriod devices.

Apple-IOS-App-Store-badge.pngLink to TumbleBooks app on Google Play.

What's needed

  • Membership of Whangarei District Libraries with a valid library card number and PIN.

Please note:
If you are having problems logging into TumbleBook Library, your membership details may need updating and your library card reactivated. Please contact us by:
- phone: +64 9 430 4206
- email: whglibrary@wdc.govt.nz

  • Internet access.
  • A computer or mobile device with the TumbleBooks software or apps for downloading and reading eBooks, listening to eAudiobooks and watching videos.

Quick Start - App


To set up the app

  • After you have downloaded the app, tap the icon then the Library button.
  • You will be asked to select your country: New Zealand.
  • Next select the library: Whangarei District Libraries
  • Enter your library card number and tap Log in.

You will not be required to log in every time you open the app after this initial set up.

Tap the i-icon on the bottom right-hand corner of the screen to open a user guide.
