
Picture of a woman reading a book among shelves of library books.

All our libraries have a range of fiction and non-fictions books for all ages, including large print and graphic novels.

Most are free to borrow for 4 weeks.

Exceptions are:

  • Bestseller books which cost $3.00 to borrow for 1 week.

Browse Bestseller book in the library catalogue

  • Not for loan books in our non-fiction collections that are for reference only and cannot be taken out of our libraries.


Our magazine collection provides a range of general, popular and special interest New Zealand and international magazines for relaxation and enjoyment. It also supplements the non-fiction book collections in some subjects. We try to be as responsive as possible to local community trends and interests.

Our branch libraries and the Mobile Library all have a selection of magazines tailored to their communities. All loan copies of magazines are available to request from any of our library locations.

We cover a large range of topics for all age groups. 

All magazines are free to borrow for 2 weeks.


Read current and past editions of New Zealand and international magazines online with Press Reader, OverDrive and Libby and BorrowBox, either on their websites or apps.



Whangarei Central Library has current week's hard copies of:

  • The New Zealand Herald
  • The Northern Advocate
  • Northland Age
  • Northern News
  • Sunday Star Times
  • Whangarei Leader

Kamo, Onerahi and Tikipunga Libraries have current week’s hard copies of:

  • The New Zealand Herald
  • The Northern Advocate


Read current and past editions of New Zealand and international newspapers online with PressReader.
Access is free at any of our libraries, either using our public computers or on your own device.
Members of Whangarei District Libraries and have free access anywhere on any device.

Find out more about PressReader

Back copies of The Northern Advocate

Copies of The Northern Advocate dating from 1885 are available on microfilm.
They are held in the Genealogy Room, first floor, Whangārei Central Library.

Editions of The Advocate from 1887 to 1949 are available online on Papers Past.

View The Northern Advocate on Papers Past

Articles in the Northern Advocate from 1994 to the present day are also available on Access New Zealand. See below.


Stay informed on events, people and issues related to business, government, economy, sports, culture and more with Access New Zealand and Access Global from NewsBank.

Find out more about NewsBank

World Languages and ESOL

You can find books in a selection of languages from around the world.  These are free to borrow for 4 weeks.

Below are links to the library catalogue searches for each language in our World Languages collection:









Learning English - ESOL

Our ESOL, Literacy Aotearoa collection includes books from the Penguin Readers series which are easy reading to improve your English vocabulary. We also have IELTS and general learning English resources.

These are free to borrow for 4 weeks.

Learning English - ESOL in the library catalogue