Heritage Talk - Onerahi 1872 to 2022

Photograph of Onerahi waterfront taken early 20th century showing jetty, wharf, various boats and Limestone Island in the background.

150 Years of Growth

Talk date: 27 July 2022.

Dr Brent Mawson talked about the development of Onerahi, from the arrival of the first permanent European resident in 1872, until the present day. He explored the link between transport, (sea, rail, road and air) and the changing patterns of settlement on the peninsula.

Picture of Dr Brent Mawson

About Dr Brent Mawson

Brent is a retired University lecturer and administrator. He has a long interest in local history having been a co-founder of the Whangarei District Historical Society in 1978. Brent was on the editorial team of the recently published True Tales of Onerahi and is currently involved in the development of the second book.