Freedom camping

Photo of Whangarei District Council freedom camping signs at a beach.

Camping can be a popular way to stay in the Whangārei District but it only works well for campers, residents and the general public when the rules are followed. This includes:

  • not camping in some areas
  • sticking to time limits in others
  • a range of other requirements.

Find out the rules and camping locations for people staying in:

Our Camping in Public Places bylaw regulates camping in Council controlled public places in our District, but it does not regulate camping on Department of Conservation land, commercial campgrounds or other privately owned public spaces (e.g. supermarket carparks). 

The below GIS map is an indicative map depicting the rules and camping locations in Whangārei District.  It is based on the Camping in Public Places Bylaw 2017.

Freedom Camping map (

Failing to comply with the rules can result in a fine under the Freedom Camping Act or the Reserves Act.

Camping locations for a self contained vehicle

Check if your vehicles complies with the rules set in freedom camping rule changes:

Freedom camping rule changes

Below are the sites where you can camp if you are certified self-contained:

Location Number of spaces Max Stay
A H Reed Memorial Park - Whareora Road(PDF, 339KB) 2 marked sites 1 night
Bascule carpark - Port Road(PDF, 337KB) 8 marked sites (4 for large, wide vans, 4 for small vans) 3 nights
Beach Road reserve - Onerahi(PDF, 325KB) As many as can fit safely into the site - around 4 1 night

Hātea East carpark - Riverside(PDF, 428KB)


Kowharewa Bay(PDF, 313KB) 

As many as can fit safely into the site - around 4

1 night
Manaia Walkway carpark - Whangārei Heads(PDF, 311KB) As many as can fit safely into the site - 2 to 3 1 night
Marsden Bay Reserve(PDF, 304KB) As many as can fit safely into the site - around 8 to 10 1 night

Matapōuri - Wehiwehi Road(PDF, 310KB) 

As many as can fit safely into the site - around 4

1 night
Ngunguru Library - Ngunguru Road(PDF, 316KB)  As many as can fit safely into the site
1 night
Ocean Beach carpark(PDF, 378KB)
Grass overflow carpark is permanently closed for camping.

 As many as can fit safely into the site - around 4 

1 night

Onerahi sportspark(PDF, 414KB)

Camping permitted from 18 December to Northland (or Auckland) Anniversary Day each year. 

One Tree Point - boatramp carpark(PDF, 313KB) 4 sites 1 night
Parua Bay(PDF, 232KB) As many as can fit safely into the site - around 15 3 nights
Reotahi(PDF, 243KB) As many as can fit safely into the site - up to 3 1 night
Ruakākā Beach reserve - Ruakākā(PDF, 294KB) As many as can fit safely into the site - around 6 1 night

Sandy Bay(PDF, 214KB)
(toilet block carpark / grass area) 

As many as can fit safely into the site - around 4 1 night
Tamaterau(PDF, 274KB) As many as can fit safely into the site - 2 to 3 1 night
Tarewa i-Site - Tarewa Road(PDF, 534KB) 6 marked sites for small vehicles 1 night

Tikipunga sportspark(PDF, 480KB)

Camping permitted from 18 December to Northland (or Auckland) Anniversary Day each year.  

Waipū Caves(PDF, 198KB) As many as can fit safely into the site - many 1 night

Wellingtons Bay - Whangaumu Reserve(PDF, 263KB) 

As many as can fit safely into the site - around 4

1 night
Otuihau / Whangārei Falls scenic reserve - Tikipunga(PDF, 415KB) 4 marked sites 1 night

Woolleys Bay - western carpark(PDF, 243KB) 

As many as can fit safely into the site - around 6

1 night
  • You can also stay in the areas for non self-contained camping, but you must comply with all site restrictions.
  • You can stay for a maximum of three nights in any other of Council's public places, except for the prohibited areas. Once you have reached the limit of your stay, you must move at least one kilometre away for your next stay and not return for at least four weeks.

Your self-containment certificate allows you to stay ‘off the beaten track’, and we encourage this.

Please empty your holding tanks at one of the dump stations available.

Camping locations for a non-self contained vehicle

If you are camping in a vehicle or a caravan that is not certified as self-contained, you may camp at the locations below.

Location Number of spaces Max Stay
A H Reed Memorial Park - Whareora Road(PDF, 339KB) 2 marked sites 1 night
Bascule carpark - Port Road(PDF, 337KB) 8 marked sites (4 for large, wide vans, 4 for small vans) 3 nights

Kowharewa Bay(PDF, 313KB) 

As many as can fit safely into the site - around 4

1 night
Manaia Walkway carpark - Whangārei Heads(PDF, 311KB) As many as can fit safely into the site - 2 to 3 1 night
Marsden Bay Reserve(PDF, 304KB) As many as can fit safely into the site - around 8 to 10 1 night

Matapōuri - Wehiwehi Road(PDF, 310KB) 

As many as can fit safely into the site - around 4

1 night
Ngunguru Library - Ngunguru Road(PDF, 316KB) As many as can fit safely into the site
1 night
Ocean Beach carpark(PDF, 378KB)
Grass overflow carpark is permanently closed for camping.

As many as can fit safely into the site - around 4

1 night
One Tree Point - boatramp carpark(PDF, 313KB) 4 sites 1 night
Parua Bay(PDF, 232KB) As many as can fit safely into the site - around 15 3 nights
Reotahi(PDF, 243KB) As many as can fit safely into the site - up to 3 1 night

Sandy Bay(PDF, 214KB)
(toilet block carpark / grass area) 

As many as can fit safely into the site - around 4 1 night
Tamaterau(PDF, 274KB) As many as can fit safely into the site - 2 to 3 1 night
Tarewa i-Site - Tarewa Road(PDF, 534KB) 6 marked sites for small vehicles 1 night
Waipū Caves(PDF, 198KB) As many as can fit safely into the site - many 1 night

Wellingtons Bay - Whangaumu Reserve(PDF, 263KB) 

As many as can fit safely into the site - around 4

1 night

Woolleys Bay - western carpark(PDF, 243KB) 

As many as can fit safely into the site - around 6

1 night

Camping locations for people in a tent

There are five areas you can camp in a tent on public land.

Location Number of spaces Max Stay
Parua Bay(PDF, 232KB) As many as can fit safely into the site - around 15 3 nights
Reotahi(PDF, 243KB) As many as can fit safely into the site - up to 3 1 night

Sandy Bay(PDF, 214KB)
(toilet block carpark / grass area) 

As many as can fit safely into the site - around 4 1 night
Tamaterau(PDF, 274KB) As many as can fit safely into the site - 4 to 5 1 night
Waipū Caves(PDF, 198KB)
As many as can fit safely into the site - many   1 night 

No camping areas

No one can camp in the following areas:


Bland Bay Reserve(PDF, 239KB)

Helena Bay(PDF, 267KB)

Langs Beach - Cove Road beach access and carpark area(PDF, 287KB)

Marsden Point Wharf(PDF, 246KB)

Matapōuri – Morrison Road carpark(PDF, 323KB)

McAuslin Road, Matapōuri(PDF, 277KB)

Mcleod Bay - playground and reserve(PDF, 270KB)

Mcleod Bay - Stuart Road, all road reserve(PDF, 226KB)

Moureeses Bay(PDF, 258KB)

Ngunguru School(PDF, 245KB)

Ocean Beach - grass overflow carpark(PDF, 378KB)

One Tree Point Road layby(PDF, 296KB)

Otamure Bay(PDF, 223KB)

Pātaua South(PDF, 244KB)

Portland sportspark(PDF, 229KB)

Ruakākā - Princes Road Reserve(PDF, 240KB)

Ruakākā Recreation Grounds(PDF, 326KB)

Taiharuru(PDF, 227KB)

Teal Bay and Ngawai Bay(PDF, 235KB) (Teal Bay Recreation Reserve)

Tutukākā Marina Reserve(PDF, 443KB)

Urquharts Bay(PDF, 298KB)

Whananaki - Mangaiti Reserve(PDF, 341KB)

Whangaumu Reserve west(PDF, 298KB) (22 Whangaumu Street)

Woolleys Bay - eastern carpark(PDF, 259KB)

Urban / Rural

Abbey Caves - new carpark(PDF, 404KB)

Drummond Park Scenic Reserve(PDF, 462KB) (Parihaka lookout carpark)

Eliott Reserve(PDF, 614KB)

Finlayson Street / Reyburn House Lane carpark(PDF, 571KB)

Herekino Street service lane and carpark(PDF, 628KB) (behind 4-22 Herekino Street)

Hikurangi sportspark(PDF, 318KB)

Hora Hora sportspark(PDF, 508KB)

Kamo sportspark(PDF, 605KB)

Kensington Park(PDF, 1MB)

Koropupu Community sportspark(PDF, 780KB) (Springs Flat)

Mander Park(PDF, 628KB)

Morningside sportspark(PDF, 588KB)

Onerahi Beach Reserve(PDF, 467KB) (between Cliff Street and Johnson Street)

Otaika sportspark(PDF, 440KB)

Otangarei No. 1 Reserve(PDF, 618KB)

Otangarei sportspark(PDF, 842KB)

Port Road - service lane and carpark area(PDF, 418KB) (behind 11-67 Port Road)

Takahiwai sportspark(PDF, 218KB)

Whau Valley Dam(PDF, 268KB)

William Fraser Memorial Park on Pohe Island(PDF, 945KB)

Public and commercial campgrounds

For more information on campgrounds in our District, please visit our whangareinz website.

For information on Department of Conservation (DOC) campgrounds visit their website.

You can also obtain a weekly campsite pass from the Department of Conservation, where you can save up to 50% on many of DOC's campsites.

If you are an NZMCA member you can get a special DOC / NZMCA campsite pass. Follow the links below for more information.

If in doubt, please ask! You can find out more at our visitor information centre:

Tips and notices for all campers

  1. Keep your campsite clean and tidy - leave no sign of your stay when you leave.
  2. Collect your rubbish and recycling then use a transfer station or dump station to dispose of it.
  3. Care for the environment, wildlife and public facilities such as toilets, signs and fences.
  4. Confirm that you are allowed to camp in your spot - from a freedom camping ambassador, an iSite or from the maps displayed:
  5. Consider other people nearby – share the space, keep noise to a minimum.